Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday's Art: All I Need

Grace, 1918
Eric Enstrom
Do you ever get angry with God for not giving you what you need, only to realize that you really didn't need what you thought you needed? God's funny like that. One thing Jesus teaches us continually throughout His time in the world is that we don't need anything apart from Himself: the Love of God incarnate. We don't need money, family, friends, health, work, a home, or even the air we breathe. Those are all gifts from God, and every single one of them is temporary: bound to pass away eventually. Treasures on earth, you might say. Or Jesus did say in Matthew 6:19. We like them, we even love them, but we don't need them, although Satan tries his best to tell us otherwise.

Here's Eric Enstrom's 1918 photograph of Minnesota man Charles Wilden, called "Grace," to remind us that the next time we thank God for our daily bread, we thank Him above all for the gift of His Son, who died that we all might live. This particular print hung in my parent's kitchen, and that of my grandparents', for decades.

Suggested verse to repeat if it's a difficult day is from Philippians 4:6
PRC buddies, remember to breathe!
"By prayer and supplication, -------> 5 count inhale
with thanksgiving." -------> 5 count exhale

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