Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday's Art: In Peace, In True Peace

"Peace, I leave with you; My PEACE, I give to you. 
Not as the world gives do I give to you. 
Let not your hearts be troubled, 
neither let them be afraid."
(John 14:27)
The world doesn't understand the peace that Christ left us with. True peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding, is with us even when the pain doesn't go away. It's a gift given to us by God, won for us by Christ. It's not earned by how nicely the world happens to treat us on a given day. The true peace of God allows us to be at peace DESPITE the fact that everything around us is going wrong because True Peace has nothing to do with what's going on around us or inside us or because of us. True Peace is about what Jesus did for us, and because of that it remains with us long after the peace of the world has given in to chaos.

I'm presenting two works of art in one today. Here is the hymn "In Pace, In Idipsum" translated, "In Peace, In True Peace," composed in the 1500s and performed by Stile Antico with text I've translated from Latin. I've also included pictures of stained glass windows from churches all over the world. Stained glass is a remarkable art form, and appropriate to churches in the way it lets the created light of God shine through even the darkest of scenes, like the begotten Light of God shines through even our darkest of days. A literal metaphor, if you will. And truly peaceful. Enjoy.

Suggested verse to repeat to yourself if it's a difficult day is from John 14:27a
Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab buddies, remember to breathe!
"Peace I leave with you, -------> 5 count inhale
My peace I give to you." -------> 5 count exhale

For more on the Peace of God, CLICK HERE.

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